Help Nell’s secure a second location!
Our Appeal Letter below:
Hello to all! As we stand at the precipice of the holiday season (and a lot of other things probably? Hoo boy), I am excited to tell you that we are running the St. Nell’s Video Advent Calendar (a joke per day from Nell’s residents and friends from Dec. 1st-25th) this year on our Instagram, and this time with a twist: we are aiming to raise money to secure a second Nell’s location. WAIT COME BACK THERE’S MORE!
A second location would enable us to run larger cohorts, to offer long-weekend in-person workshops, local classes and programming, and events (without having to scare up nearly as much funding for each one as we have in the past) - in short, to greatly expand upon and strengthen the work we’re doing. There is a property currently on the market that would be ideal for our purposes.
At the risk of being TOO EARNEST: I cannot overstate how proud I am of what Nell’s has accomplished in its existence so far. Our mission - to provide space for good work and the building of a strong and wonderful community - has already succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. I know that we can build on this work, both for the residents we serve and for the arts community in Williamsport, a truly lovely small city that has been incredibly kind and welcoming to the project and our cohorts. Our guest book is full of notes attesting to the life-changing power of the space, time, and fellowship found at Nell’s, and it makes me so hopeful for our future - a future which feels especially urgent for us to ensure now. As we look into a future that holds… a lot of unknowns, I believe preserving and bolstering the arts is crucial to our sanity and souls.
In addition to this, donations to the Nell’s project can now be made tax-deductible through Fractured Atlas! St. Nell's is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of St. Nell's must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The link to donate is here:
And if you would like to follow us on social for the Video Advent Calendar, we’re @stnells on Instagram. We’ll be publicizing this fundraiser along with providing you with jokes you can use to defuse all those tricky upcoming holiday conversations with family. The amount we're hoping to raise is extremely ambitious, but whether or not we are able
to secure this location now, your donations are incredibly helpful to the project as it stands and to our future aims.
As always, I am incredibly grateful to this community for your support of the Nell’s project. Whether your support takes the form of donations,
sharing, or well-wishes, please know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all the love and laughter you deserve this season and beyond. THANK YOU.
PS: Interested in naming rights to individual rooms? Get in touch!
St. Nell’s is a writing residency in Williamsport, PA open to women+, non-binary folks, and other people of marginalized genders working in any humor-related field*. Besides the residency, we also offer Zoom classes led by working (and awesome!) humor professionals (the classes are open to everyone, EVEN CIS MEN, I KNOW THAT’S VERY NICE OF US). We do not charge for the residency itself; we are supported by application fees, class/merch fees, and donations (we’re fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas for tax-deductible donations! ).
*As far as what I mean by humor-related, I’m using a broad (heh) definition: Short satire pieces, stand-up routines, screenplays, pilot scripts, novels, comics, rock operas, engraved stelae. As long as its primary genre is humorous, it’s fair game.
Winter zoom classes coming soon!
Emily Flake is the Owner and Operator. She is a humor writer and staff cartoonist for the New Yorker (and other places), the author of a small clutch of books, an illustrator, and a sometimes performer. She brought St. Nell’s to life via a successful Kickstarter campaign. Nell’s is named for Nell Gwyn, a comedic actress and bawd who was the toast of Restoration England (Its subtitle, “featuring Kim Scheinberg,” is in honor of a writer, collector of hats and jigsaws, and exceptionally generous soul who backed the Kickstarter at the highest possible level). You can see more of her work at www.emilyflake.com when you’re done here.
Laura Ornella is the Director of Programming for St. Nell’s. While she has a lot to learn about Zoom (Laura’s words, not Emily’s), Laura is excited for her new journey with St. Nell’s. Laura is also a Cuban American actor and writer based in comedy. Her work has been showcased at Just For Laughs, on Vulture, and Comedy Central. She founded the comedy platform Humor Darling, is a writer and actor for sketch team Wilburn and hosts the character show JINX! You'll find Laura performing characters 'round town or filming something ridiculous in the streets. Visit www.lauraornella.com for more info.
Kate Villa was the Director of Programming, and is now the Ghost of Programming Past. She is now the Director of Comedy and Institutional Programming at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, an enormous job that we’re so proud of her for getting, even if it took her away from us. She is a comedian, writer, and producer who was born in DC, bred in Chicago, and buttered in New York. Kate has written and produced for TruTV, Showtime, Comedy Central, Discovery+, MTV, Cartuna/IFC, and Wondery. Kate has contributed jokes and games to NPR’s ‘Wait…Wait…Don’t Tell Me!,’ NPR’s ‘Ask Me Another,’ and formerly, Mad Magazine. More of her humor can be found in The New Yorker and McSweeneys. She wants to write a book. She’s manifesting it. You can visit her at www.kate-villa.com.
Ruth Ann Harnisch (henceforth to be referred to by her official title, Ruth Ann Har-Har-Harnisch) helps pay for all of this s***! Ruth Ann is the Founder and President of the Harnisch Foundation, which supports a constellation of entities doing visionary social change work. The Harnisch Foundation also operates Funny Girls, a program devoted to strengthen girls’ leadership skills through improv, and ran Awesome Without Borders, which distributed grants of $1000 each week to support projects all over the world.
Writers need time and space to work, full stop. Residencies make time and space possible. Why marginalized genders in particular? Because this whole (cussword) world was made for men, and everyone else needs all the space it’s possible to carve out. St. Nell’s will be a writing space, a respite, and a community for the 51% of the population historically branded as “not funny.”
Residencies are two weeks in length. We host three residents at a time - enough for some companionship, but spacious enough for each resident to have her own space. We offer at least one family residence per year, where the writer could bring their kids, partner, babysitter, nana, whoever they have in their retinue (this is particularly important to me as a working mother). We will run two seasons: Fall and Spring, September-November and March-June. There will be a new cohort every moth, with applications opening for each session about three months in advance. We also offer classes, panels, and the occasional comedy show – open to the public, or via Zoom. See the contact info to sign up for the digital newsletter.
St. Nell’s is located in Williamsport, PA, a small and charming city on the west branch of the Susquehanna River. Williamsport is best known as the birthplace of Little League baseball, and hosts the Little League World Series every summer. It is a beautiful and walkable town, with lots of parks, restaurants, and things to do, but it is also surrounded by gorgeous mountains – it truly has the best of both worlds, if the worlds you’re talking are city living and nature.
Meet the Residents (so far)
Caitlin Kunkel
Kenice Mobley
Kate Villa
Lauren Weinstein
Negin Farsad
Teresa Roberts Logan
Chloe Radcliffe
Sheena D.
Mary Gulino
Tabatha Myers
Julianne Simitz
Theora Kvitka
Kayla Pulley
Wendi Aarons
Johanna Gohmann
Erin Clune
Abby Wambaugh
Mai Tran
Sandi Marx
Maryann Aita
Taylor Kay Phillips
Deb Rogers
Katie Brookoff
Alise Morales
Christine Y. Kim
Kate Willett
Sylvie Wang
Amy Currul
Carly Ann Filbin
Jen Freymond
Sarah Walt Weaver
Sam Corbin
Laura Ornella
Keli Dailey
Caitlin Reese
Meghan Crumley (Pleticha)
Mary Sette
Catherine Weingarten
Sarah Schmelling
Natalie Kim
Molly O'Laughlin Kemper
Sofia Javed
Aimee LeCours
Jolie Dudley
Andrea Staats
Rachel Rose Keller
Ann Van Epps
Indus Alelia
Kristina Feliciano
Alex Phipps
Allee Errico
Jane Demarest
Asia Bey
Sam Lau
Lauren Barnett
Liz Wiest
Maddy Burns
Erika Sjule
Katy Maiolatesi
Jennie Egerdie
Lana Schwartz
Nina Sharma
Swati Sudarsan
Simone Norman
Talia Argondezzi
Julie Kling
Amma Marfo
Zilla Vodnas
Yvie Jones
Mara Wiles
Melody Kamali
Clara Kelley
Anjali Chandrashekar
Anjali Chandrashekar
Zareen Choudhury
Lia Strasser
Ngozi Ukazu
Celeste M. Scott
Modupe Thompson
Anna Dye
Kate Herzlin
Kendall Davis
Chelsea Dallas Falato
Simone Daniel
Bethany Van Delft
Jenny Gorelick
Christine Medrano
Sophia Zolan
Mikala Williams
Julia McCloy
Jenny Stafford
Maria Ciampa
Viktoria Shulevich
Sara Faith Alterman
Erin Maguire
Bryn Durgin
Emily Menez
Olivia Crandall
Olivia Crandall
Meredith Dietz
Ellen Doyle
Christine Ferrera
Sophie Abromowitz
Suzanne Weber
Babs Gray
Katie Della Mora
Rachael Clemmons
Savannah DesOrmeaux
Jenny Hatchadorian
Ali Clayton
Pooja Reddy
Molina Molina
Sharon Spell
Anika Orrock
Anika Orrock
Lisa Borders

Feel free to contact us with any questions.